Класс для работы с аудио файлами
// **********************************************************
// Class AudioFile
// Version: 0.5.1
// Date: 09/09/2003
// Author: michael kamleitner (mika@ssw.co.at)
// reto gassmann (gassi@gassi.cx) - additional mp3-code
// chris snyder (csnyder@chxo.com) - additional ogg-vorbis
// & id3v2-code
// WWW: http://www.entropy.at/forum.php?action=thread&t_id=15
// (suggestions, bug-reports & general shouts are welcome)
// Copyright: copyright 2003 michael kamleitner, reto gassmann,
//chris snyder
// This file is part of classAudioFile.
// classAudioFile is free software; you can redistribute
// it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
//as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// classAudioFile is distributed in the hope that it will
// be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
// warranty of
// See the
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General
// Public License
// along with classAudioFile; if not, write to the Free
// Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
// MA 02111-1307 USA
// ***********************************************************
/* changes by Chris Snyder <csnyder@chxo.com>
2003-08-01 -- rough draft
Expanded ID3V2 support:
- function getId3v2 ($fp) -- reads all id3v2 data into $this
->id3v2 and positions filepointer at end of header
- function get32bitSynchsafe($fp) -- reads next four bytes
from $fp as a Synchsafe integer
- added id3v2 to printSampleInfo
Added Ogg Vorbis support:
- function ogginfo($fp) -- similar to mp3info()
- function findVorbis($fp) -- seeks to start of Vorbis headers
in Ogg Bitstream
- function findOggPage($fp) -- seeks to start of next logical
page of Ogg Bitstream
- added ogginfo to printSampleInfo
Miscellaneous Bugfixes:
- line 143: added rtrim to $info["mpeg_id3v1_tag"] values to
suppress padding bytes
- line 283: if duration is unknown because mp3 is vbr, check
if there's an id3v2 TLEN frame
- line 418: revised visualization data-collection loop to only
read bytes needed for visual_data -- script was timing out on
wavs larger than 10MB
class AudioFile
var $wave_id;
var $wave_type;
var $wave_compression;
var $wave_channels;
var $wave_framerate;
var $wave_byterate;
var $wave_bits;
var $wave_size;
var $wave_filename;
var $wave_length;
var $id3_tag;
var $id3_title;
var $id3_artist;
var $id3_album;
var $id3_year;
var $id3_comment;
var $id3_genre;
var $id3v2info;
var $visual_graph_color; // HTML-Style: "#rrggbb"
var $visual_background_color;
var $visual_grid_color;
var $visual_border_color;
var $visual_grid; // true/false
var $visual_border; // true/false
var $visual_width; // width in pixel
var $visual_height; // height in pixel
var $visual_graph_mode; // 0|1
var $visual_fileformat; // "jpeg","png", everything &
// else default = "png"
// ****************************************************
// mp3info extracts the attributes of mp3-files
// (code contributed by reto gassmann (gassi@gassi.cx)
// ****************************************************
function mp3info()
$byte = array();
$version = array("MPEG Version 2.5", false,"MPEG Version 2
(ISO/IEC 13818-3)","MPEG Version 1 (ISO/IEC 11172-3)");
$version_bitrate = array(1, false, 1, 0);
$version_sampling = array(2, false, 1, 0);
$layer = array(false,"Layer III","Layer II","Layer I");
$layer_bitrate = array(false, 2, 1, 0);
$layer_lengt = array(false, 1, 1, 0);
$protection = array("Protected by CRC (16bit crc follows
header)","Not protected");
$byterate = array(
array("free", 32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 288, 320, 352, 384,
416, 448,"bad"),
array("free", 32, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256,
320, 384,"bad"),
array("free", 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224,
256, 320,"bad")
array("free", 32, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160, 176, 192,
224, 256,"bad"),
array("free", 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128,
144, 160,"bad"),
array("free", 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128,
144, 160,"bad")
$samplingrate = array(
array(44100, 48000, 32000, false),
array(22050, 24000, 16000, false),
array(11025, 12000, 8000, false)
$cannel_mode = array("Stereo","Joint stereo (Stereo)","Dual
channel (Stereo)",
"Single channel (Mono)");
$copyright = array("Audio is not copyrighted","Audio is copyrighted ");
$original = array("Copy of original media","Original media");
$emphasis = array("none","50/15 ms", false,"CCIT J.17 ");
$genre = array
("Blues","Classic Rock","Country","Dance","Disco","Funk",
"Jazz","Metal","New Age","Oldies","Other","Pop","R&B",
"Ska","Death Metal",
"Game","Sound Clip","Gospel","Noise","Alternative Rock",
"Bass","Soul","Punk","Space","Meditative","Instrumental Pop",
"Instrumental Rock"
"Southern Rock","Comedy","Cult",
"Gangsta","Top 40","Christian Rap","Pop/Funk",
"Native US","Cabaret","New Wave","Psychadelic",
"Lo-Fi","Tribal","Acid Punk","Acid Jazz",
"Musical","Rock & Roll","Hard Rock","Folk",
"Folk-Rock","National Folk",
"Swing","Fast Fusion","Bebob","Latin","Revival",
"Avantgarde","Gothic Rock","Progressive Rock",
"Psychedelic Rock",
"Symphonic Rock","Slow Rock","Big Band","Chorus",
"Easy Listening","Acoustic",
"Humour","Speech","Chanson","Opera","Chamber Music",
"Booty Bass","Primus","Porn Groove","Satire",
"Slow Jam","Club",
"Tango","Samba","Folklore","Ballad","Power Ballad",
"Rhytmic Soul",
"Freestyle","Duet","Punk Rock","Drum Solo",
"Dance Hall","Goa","Drum & Bass","Club-House",
"Indie","BritPop","Negerpunk","Polsk Punk","Beat",
"Christian Gangsta Rap",
"Heavy Metal","Black Metal","Crossover",
"Contemporary Christian",
"Christian Rock","Merengue","Salsa","Trash Metal",
//id3v2 check----------------------------
$footer = 0;
$header = 0;
$v1tag = 0;
$fp = fopen($this->wave_filename,"r");
$tmp = fread($fp, 3);
if($tmp == "ID3")
// id3v2 tag is present
// getId3v2 will position pointer at end of header
$header= ftell($fp);
} else {
fseek ($fp, 0);
$this->id3v2 = false;
for ($x=0;$x<4;$x++)
$byte[$x] = ord(fread($fp, 1));
fseek ($fp, -128 , SEEK_END);
$TAG = fread($fp, 128);
//id tag?-------------------------------
if(substr($TAG, 0, 3) == "TAG")
$v1tag = 128;
$info["mpeg_id3v1_tag"]["title"] = rtrim(substr($TAG, 3, 30));
$info["mpeg_id3v1_tag"]["artist"] = rtrim(substr($TAG, 33, 30));
$info["mpeg_id3v1_tag"]["album"] = rtrim(substr($TAG, 63, 30));
$info["mpeg_id3v1_tag"]["year"] = rtrim(substr($TAG, 93, 4));
$info["mpeg_id3v1_tag"]["comment"] = rtrim(substr($TAG, 97, 30));
$info["mpeg_id3v1_tag"]["genre"] = "";
$tmp = ord(substr($TAG, 127, 1));
if($tmp < count($genre))
$info["mpeg_id3v1_tag"]["genre"] = $genre[$tmp];
} else {
$info["mpeg_id3v1_tag"] = false;
$tmp = $byte[1] & 24;
$tmp = $tmp >> 3;
$info_i["mpeg_version"] = $tmp;
$byte_v = $version_bitrate[$tmp];
$byte_vs = $version_sampling[$tmp];
$info["mpeg_version"] = $version[$tmp];
$tmp = $byte[1] & 6;
$tmp = $tmp >> 1;
$info_i["mpeg_layer"] = $tmp;
$byte_l = $layer_bitrate[$tmp];
$byte_len = $layer_lengt[$tmp];
$info["mpeg_layer"] = $layer[$tmp];
$tmp = $byte[2] & 240;
$tmp = $tmp >> 4;
$info_i["mpeg_bitrate"] = $tmp;
$info["mpeg_bitrate"] = $byterate[$byte_v][$byte_l][$tmp];
$tmp = $byte[2] & 12;
$tmp = $tmp >> 2;
$info["mpeg_sampling_rate"] = $samplingrate[$byte_vs][$tmp];
$tmp = $byte[1] & 1;
$info["mpeg_protection"] = $protection[$tmp];
$tmp = $byte[2] & 2;
$tmp = $tmp >> 1;
$byte_pad = $tmp;
$info["mpeg_padding_bit"] = $tmp;
$tmp = $byte[2] & 1;
$byte_prv = $tmp;
$tmp = $byte[3] & 192;
$tmp = $tmp >> 6;
$info["mpeg_channel_mode"] = $cannel_mode[$tmp];
$tmp = $byte[3] & 8;
$tmp = $tmp >> 3;
$info["mpeg_copyright"] = $copyright[$tmp];
$tmp = $byte[3] & 4;
$tmp = $tmp >> 2;
$info["mpeg_original"] = $original[$tmp];
$tmp = $byte[3] & 3;
$info["mpeg_emphasis"] = $emphasis[$tmp];
if($info["mpeg_bitrate"] == 'free' or
$info["mpeg_bitrate"] == 'bad' or
!$info["mpeg_bitrate"] or !$info["mpeg_sampling_rate"])
$info["mpeg_framelength"] = 0;
} else {
if($byte_len == 0)
$rate_tmp = $info["mpeg_bitrate"] * 1000;
$info["mpeg_framelength"] = (12 * $rate_tmp / $info["mpeg_sampling_rate"] +
$byte_pad) * 4 ;
} elseif($byte_len == 1) {
$rate_tmp = $info["mpeg_bitrate"] * 1000;
$info["mpeg_framelength"] = 144 * $rate_tmp / $info["mpeg_sampling_rate"] +
$tmp = filesize($this->wave_filename);
$tmp = $tmp - $header - 4 - $v1tag;
$tmp2 = 0;
if(!$info["mpeg_bitrate"] or $info["mpeg_bitrate"] == 'bad' or
$info["mpeg_playtime"] = -1;
} elseif($info["mpeg_bitrate"] == 'free')
$info["mpeg_playtime"] = -1;
} else {
$tmp2 = ((8 * $tmp) / 1000) / $info["mpeg_bitrate"];
$info["mpeg_frames"] = floor($tmp/$info["mpeg_framelength"]);
$tmp = $tmp * 8;
if ($rate_tmp<>0)
$info["mpeg_playtime"] = $tmp/$rate_tmp;
$info["mpeg_playtime"] = $tmp2;
// transfer the extracted data into classAudioFile-structure
$this->wave_id = "MPEG";
$this->wave_type = $info["mpeg_version"];
$this->wave_compression = $info["mpeg_layer"];
$this->wave_channels = $info["mpeg_channel_mode"];
$this->wave_framerate = $info["mpeg_sampling_rate"];
$this->wave_byterate = $info["mpeg_bitrate"] . " Kbit/sec";
$this->wave_bits = "n/a";
$this->wave_size = filesize($this->wave_filename);
$this->wave_length = $info["mpeg_playtime"];
// pick up length from id3v2 tag if necessary and available
if ($this->wave_length<1 && is_array($this->id3v2->TLEN) )
$this->wave_length= ( $this->id3v2->TLEN['value'] / 1000 );
$this->id3_tag = $info["mpeg_id3v1_tag"];
if ($this->id3_tag)
$this->id3_title = $info["mpeg_id3v1_tag"]["title"];
$this->id3_artist = $info["mpeg_id3v1_tag"]["artist"];
$this->id3_album = $info["mpeg_id3v1_tag"]["album"];
$this->id3_year = $info["mpeg_id3v1_tag"]["year"];
$this->id3_comment = $info["mpeg_id3v1_tag"]["comment"];
$this->id3_genre = $info["mpeg_id3v1_tag"]["genre"];
// *********************************************************
// longCalc calculates the decimal value of 4 bytes
// mode = 0 ... b1 is the byte with least value
// mode = 1 ... b1 is the byte with most value
// *********************************************************
function longCalc ($b1,$b2,$b3,$b4,$mode)
$b1 = hexdec(bin2hex($b1));
$b2 = hexdec(bin2hex($b2));
$b3 = hexdec(bin2hex($b3));
$b4 = hexdec(bin2hex($b4));
if ($mode == 0)
return ($b1 + ($b2*256) + ($b3 * 65536) + ($b4 * 16777216));
} else {
return ($b4 + ($b3*256) + ($b2 * 65536) + ($b1 * 16777216));
// *********************************************************
// shortCalc calculates the decimal value of 2 bytes
// mode = 0 ... b1 is the byte with least value
// mode = 1 ... b1 is the byte with most value
// *********************************************************
function shortCalc ($b1,$b2,$mode)
$b1 = hexdec(bin2hex($b1));
$b2 = hexdec(bin2hex($b2));
if ($mode == 0)
return ($b1 + ($b2*256));
} else {
return ($b2 + ($b1*256));
// *******************************************************
// getCompression delivers a string which identifies the
// of the AudioFile-Object
// *******************************************************
function getCompression ($id)
if ($this->wave_id!= "MPEG" && $this->wave_id!="OGG")
$append = "($id)";
switch ($id)
case 0: return ("unknown $append"); break;
case 1: return ("pcm/uncompressed $append"); break;
case 2: return ("microsoft adpcm $append"); break;
case 6: return ("itu g.711 a-law $append"); break;
case 7: return ("itu g.711 u-law $append"); break;
case 17: return ("ima adpcm $append"); break;
case 20: return ("itu g.723 adpcm (yamaha) $append");
case 49: return ("gsm 6.10 $append"); break;
case 64: return ("itu g.721 adpcm $append"); break;
case 80: return ("mpeg $append"); break;
case 65536:return ("experimental $append"); break;
default: return ("not defined $append"); break;
} else {
return ($id);
// *****************************************************
// getVisualization creates a graphical visualization of
// the audio-sample
// (works ONLY * for uncompressed waves!
// * files with 1 or 2 channels
// * 8/16/24/32 bit sample-resolution )
// *****************************************************
function getVisualization ($output)
$height_channel = $height / $this->wave_channels;
if ($this->wave_filename<>"" && $this->wave_id == "RIFF" &&
$this->wave_type == "WAVE" && ($this->wave_channels>=1 &&
$this->wave_channels<=2) && $this->wave_bits%8==0)
$file = fopen ($this->wave_filename,"r");
// read the first 12 bytes (RIFF- & WAVE-chunk)
for ($i=0;$i<12;$i++)
$null = fgetc ($file);
// Read the next chunk-id, supposed to be "fmt "
$chunk_id_3 = fgetc($file) . fgetc($file) . fgetc($file) .
if ($chunk_id_3 == "fmt ")
$chunk_size_3 = $this->longCalc (fgetc($file) , fgetc($file) ,
fgetc($file) , fgetc($file), 0);
for ($i=0;$i<$chunk_size_3;$i++)
$null = fgetc($file);
// Read the next chunk-id, supposed to be "data"
$chunk_id_4 = "";
while ($chunk_id_4 <> "data" && !feof($file))
$chunk_id_4 = fgetc($file) . fgetc($file) . fgetc($file) .
if ($chunk_id_4 <> "data")
$chunk_size_4 = $this->longCalc (fgetc($file) , fgetc($file) ,
fgetc($file) , fgetc($file), 0);
for ($i=0;$i<$chunk_size_4;$i++)
$null = fgetc($file);
if ($chunk_id_4 == "data")
$chunk_size_4 = $this->longCalc (fgetc($file) , fgetc($file) ,
fgetc($file) , fgetc($file), 0);
$visualData = array();
$bytes_per_frame = ($this->wave_bits/8)*($this->wave_channels);
$bytes_per_channel = ($this->wave_bits/8);
$frames = $chunk_size_4 / $bytes_per_frame;
$visual_frames = ceil($frames / $width);
$frame_index = 1;
$data_index = 1;
// revised code -- computing bytes per pixel allows quick
//processing of large (>10MB) wavs by fseek()ing past unused data
$bytes_per_pixel= floor($chunk_size_4/$width);
$currentindex= 0;
while (!feof($file) && $currentindex < $chunk_size_4)
$loopindex= 0;
for ($j=0;$j<$this->wave_channels;$j++)
$bytes = array();
for ($i=0;$i<$bytes_per_channel;$i++)
$bytes[$i] = fgetc($file);
switch ($bytes_per_channel)
case 1: $visualData[$j][$data_index]=
$bytes[1], 0);
case 2: $f=128;
if (ord($bytes[1])&128) $f = 0;
$x=chr((ord($bytes[1])&127) + $f);
$x, 0)/256);
if (($j+1) == $this->wave_channels)
$currentindex+= ( $bytes_per_pixel - $loopindex );
fseek($file, $bytes_per_pixel, SEEK_CUR);
//$im = @ImageCreate ($width, (256*$this->wave_channels)+1)
//or die ("Cannot Initialize new GD image stream!");
$im = @ImageCreate ($width, $height) or die
("Cannot Initialize new GD image stream!");
$background_color = ImageColorAllocate ($im,
hexdec(substr($this->visual_background_color, 1, 2)),
hexdec(substr($this->visual_background_color, 3, 2)),
hexdec(substr($this->visual_background_color, 5, 2)));
$cBlack = ImageColorAllocate ($im,
hexdec(substr($this->visual_background_color, 1, 2)),
hexdec(substr($this->visual_background_color, 3, 2)),
hexdec(substr($this->visual_background_color, 5, 2)));
$cGreen = ImageColorAllocate ($im,
hexdec(substr($this->visual_graph_color, 1, 2)),
hexdec(substr($this->visual_graph_color, 3, 2)),
hexdec(substr($this->visual_graph_color, 5, 2)));
$cRed = ImageColorAllocate ($im,
hexdec(substr($this->visual_border_color, 1, 2)),
hexdec(substr($this->visual_border_color, 3, 2)),
hexdec(substr($this->visual_border_color, 5, 2)));
$cBlue = ImageColorAllocate ($im,
hexdec(substr($this->visual_grid_color, 1, 2)),
hexdec(substr($this->visual_grid_color, 3, 2)),
hexdec(substr($this->visual_grid_color, 5, 2)));
if ($this->visual_border)
ImageRectangle ($im, 0, 0,($width-1),($height-1),
for ($i=0;$i<=$this->wave_channels;$i++)
ImageLine ($im, 1,($i*($height_channel/2))+
if ($this->visual_grid)
for ($i=1;$i<=($width/100*2);$i++)
ImageLine ($im,$i*50, 0,$i*50,(256*$this->wave_channels),
// this for-loop draws a graph for every channel
for ($j=0;$j<sizeof($visualData);$j++)
$last_x = 1;
$last_y = $height_channel / 2;
// this for-loop draws the graphs itself
for ($i=1;$i<sizeof($visualData[$j]);$i++)
$faktor = 128 / ($height_channel / 2);
$val = $visualData[$j][$i] / $faktor;
if ($this->visual_graph_mode == 0)
ImageLine ($im,$last_x,($last_y+($j*$height_channel)),
} else {
ImageLine ($im,$i,(($height_channel/2)+($j*$height_channel)),
$last_x = $i;
$last_y = $val;
// change this to generate JPG or direct output to browser
if (strtolower($this->visual_fileformat) == "jpeg")
ImageJpeg ($im,$output);
} else {
ImagePng ($im,$output);
fclose ($file);
} else {
// AudioSample - AudioFile-Object not initialized!
// *****************************************************
// getSampleInfo extracts the attributes of the AudioFile-Object
// *****************************************************
function getSampleInfo ()
$valid = true;
if (strstr(strtoupper($this->wave_filename),"MP3"))
$this->mp3info ();
} elseif (substr(strtoupper($this->wave_filename), -3)=="OGG")
$this->ogginfo ();
} else {
$this->wave_size = filesize ($this->wave_filename);
if ($this->wave_size > 16)
$file = fopen ($this->wave_filename,"r");
$chunk_id = fgetc($file) . fgetc($file) . fgetc($file) .
$null = fgetc($file) . fgetc($file) . fgetc($file) .
$chunk_id_2 = fgetc($file) . fgetc($file) . fgetc($file) .
$this->wave_id = $chunk_id;
$this->wave_type = $chunk_id_2;
if (substr($chunk_id, 0, 2)=="PK")
// it's a ZIP-file
$this->wave_id = "ZIP";
$this->wave_type = "ZIP";
$this->valid = true;
} else {
if ($this->wave_id == "RIFF" && $this->wave_type == "WAVE")
// it's a Wave-File
$chunk_id = fgetc($file) . fgetc($file) . fgetc($file) .
$chunk_size = $this->longCalc (fgetc($file) , fgetc($file) ,
fgetc($file) , fgetc($file), 0);
if ($chunk_id == "fmt ")
$format_len = $chunk_size;
$this->wave_compression = $this->shortCalc (fgetc ($file),
fgetc ($file), 0);
$this->wave_channels = $this->shortCalc (fgetc ($file),
fgetc ($file), 0);
$this->wave_framerate = $this->longCalc (fgetc ($file),
fgetc ($file), fgetc ($file), fgetc ($file), 0);
$this->wave_byterate = $this->longCalc (fgetc ($file),
fgetc ($file), fgetc ($file), fgetc ($file), 0);
$null = fgetc($file) . fgetc($file);
$this->wave_bits = $this->shortCalc (fgetc ($file),
fgetc ($file), 0);
$read = 16;
if ($read < $format_len)
$extra_bytes = $this->shortCalc (fgetc ($file),
fgetc ($file), 1);
$j = 0;
while ($j < $extra_bytes && !feof($file))
$null = fgetc ($file);
$chunk_id = fgetc($file) . fgetc($file) . fgetc($file) .
$chunk_size = $this->longCalc (fgetc($file) , fgetc($file) ,
fgetc($file) , fgetc($file), 0);
if ($chunk_id == "data")
$this->wave_length = (($chunk_size / $this->wave_channels) /
($this->wave_bits/8)) / $this->wave_framerate;
} else {
while ($chunk_id <> "data" && !feof($file))
$j = 1;
while ($j <= $chunk_size && !feof($file))
$null = fgetc ($file);
$chunk_id = fgetc($file) . fgetc($file) . fgetc($file) .
//print "
$chunk_size = $this->longCalc (fgetc($file) , fgetc($file) ,
fgetc($file) , fgetc($file), 0);
if ($chunk_id == "data")
$this->wave_length = (($chunk_size / $this->wave_channels) /
($this->wave_bits/8)) / $this->wave_framerate;
} else {
$valid = false;
} else {
if ($this->wave_id == "FORM" && $this->wave_type == "AIFF")
// we have a AIFF file here
$chunk_id = fgetc($file) . fgetc($file) . fgetc($file) .
$chunk_size = $this->longCalc (fgetc($file) , fgetc($file) ,
fgetc($file) , fgetc($file), 0);
if ($chunk_id == "COMM")
$format_len = $chunk_size;
$this->wave_channels = $this->shortCalc (fgetc ($file),
fgetc ($file), 1);
$null = $this->longCalc (fgetc ($file), fgetc ($file),
fgetc ($file), fgetc ($file), 1);
$this->wave_bits = $this->shortCalc (fgetc ($file),
fgetc ($file), 1);
$null = fgetc ($file) . fgetc ($file);
$this->wave_framerate = $this->shortCalc (fgetc ($file),
fgetc ($file), 1);
$read = 16;
} else {
$valid = false;
} else {
// probably crap
$valid = false;
fclose ($file);
} else {
$valid = false;
return ($valid);
// ****************************************************
// printSampleInfo prints the attributes of the AudioFile-Object
// *****************************************************
function printSampleInfo()
print "<table width=100% border=1>";
print "<tr><td align=right>filename</td> <td>
print "<tr><td align=right>id</td> <td>
print "<tr><td align=right>type</td> <td>
print "<tr><td align=right>size</td> <td>
print "<tr><td align=right>compression</td> <td>
".$this->getCompression ($this->wave_compression).
print "<tr><td align=right>channels</td> <td>
print "<tr><td align=right>framerate</td> <td>
print "<tr><td align=right>byterate</td> <td>
print "<tr><td align=right>bits</td> <td>
print "<tr><td align=right>length</td> <td>
".number_format ($this->wave_length,"2")." sec.
".date("i:s", mktime(0, 0,
// ID3V1
if ($this->id3_tag)
print "<tr><td align=right>id3v1-tags</td><td>";
print "<table width=100% border=1>";
print "<tr><td width=70 align=right>title</td><td>
print "<tr><td align=right>artist</td><td>
print "<tr><td align=right>album</td><td>
print "<tr><td align=right>year</td><td>
print "<tr><td align=right>comment</td><td>
print "<tr><td align=right>genre</td><td>
print "</table>";
print "</td></tr>";
print "<tr><td align=right>id3v1-tags</td><td>Not found
// ID3V2
if ($this->id3v2)
print "<tr><td align=right>id3v2-tags</td><td>";
print "<table width=100% border=1>";
print "<tr><td width=70 align=right>title</td><td>
print "<tr><td align=right>artist</td><td>
print "<tr><td align=right>original artist</td><td>
print "<tr><td align=right>album</td><td>
print "<tr><td align=right>year</td><td>
print "<tr><td align=right>comment</td><td>
print "<tr><td align=right>composer</td><td>
print "<tr><td align=right>genre</td><td>
print "<tr><td align=right>encoder</td><td>
print "<tr><td align=right>website</td><td>
print "</table>";
print "</td></tr>";
print "<tr><td align=right>id3v2 tags</td>
<td>Not found</td></tr>";
if ($this->wave_id=="OGG")
print "<tr><td align=right>ogg-tags</td><td>";
print "<table width=100% border=1>";
print "<tr><td width=70 align=right>title</td>
<td> ".$this->vorbis_comment->TITLE."</td></tr>";
print "<tr><td align=right>artist</td><td>
print "<tr><td align=right>album</td><td>
print "<tr><td align=right>date</td><td>
print "<tr><td align=right>genre</td><td>
print "<tr><td align=right>comment</td><td>
print "</table>";
print "</td></tr>";
print "<tr><td align=right>ogg vorbis info</td>
<td>Not found</td></tr>";
print "</table>";
// *********************************************
// loadFile initializes the AudioFile-Object
// **********************************************
function loadFile ($loadFilename)
$this->wave_filename = $loadFilename;
$this->getSampleInfo ();
$this->visual_graph_color = "#18F3AD";
$this->visual_background_color = "#000000";
$this->visual_grid_color = "#002C4A";
$this->visual_border_color = "#A52421";
$this->visual_grid = true;
$this->visual_border = true;
$this->visual_width = 600;
$this->visual_height = 512;
$this->visual_graph_mode = 1;
$this->visual_fileformat = "png";
// ************************************************
// getId3v2 loads id3v2 frames into $this->id3v2->
// - any frame flags are saved in an array called
// - for instance, song title will be in
// $this->id3v2->TIT2
// and any flags set in TIT2 would be in
//array $this->id3v2->TIT2_flags
// For common frame id codes see
// For more info on format see
// **********************************************
function getId3v2 (&$fp)
// ID3v2 version 4 support -- see
$footer = 0;
// id3v2 version
$tmp = ord(fread($fp, 1));
$tmp2 = ord(fread($fp, 1));
$this->id3v2->version = "ID3v2.".$tmp.".".$tmp2;
// flags
$tmp = ord(fread($fp, 1));
if($tmp & 128) $this->id3v2->unsynch = "1";
if($tmp & 64) $this->id3v2->extended = "1";
if($tmp & 32) $this->id3v2->experimental = "1";
if($tmp & 16)
$this->id3v2->footer = "1";
$footer = 10;
// tag size
$tagsize = $this->get32bitSynchsafe($fp) + $footer;
// extended header
if ($this->id3v2->extended==1)
// get extended header size
$extended_header_size = $this->get32bitSynchsafe($fp) ;
// load (but ignore) extended header
$this->id3v2->extended_header= fread($fp,
// get the tag contents
while ( ftell($fp) < ($tagsize+10) )
// get next frame header
$frameid = fread($fp, 4);
if (trim($frameid)=="") break;
$framesize= $this->get32bitSynchsafe($fp);
$frameflags0= ord(fread($fp, 1));
$frameflags1= ord(fread($fp, 1));
// frame status flags
$frameidflags= $frameid."_flags";
if ($frameflags0 & 128) $this->id3v2->
{$frameidflags}['tag_alter_discard'] = 1;
if ($frameflags0 & 64) $this->id3v2->
{$frameidflags}['file_alter_discard'] = 1;
if ($frameflags0 & 32) $this->id3v2->
{$frameidflags}['readonly'] = 1;
// frame format flags
if ($frameflags1 & 128) $this->id3v2->
{$frameidflags}['group'] = 1;
if ($frameflags1 & 16) $this->id3v2->
{$frameidflags}['compressed'] = 1;
if ($frameflags1 & 8) $this->id3v2->
{$frameidflags}['encrypted'] = 1;
if ($frameflags1 & 4) $this->id3v2->
{$frameidflags}['unsyrchronised'] = 1;
if ($frameflags1 & 2) $this->id3v2->
{$frameidflags}['data_length_indicator'] = 1;
// get frame contents
$this->id3v2->{$frameid} = trim(fread($fp,
// position $fp at end of id3v2header
fseek($fp, ($tagsize + 10), SEEK_SET);
return 1;
// *****************************************
// get32bitSynchsafe returns a converted integer
// from an ID3v2 tag
// *******************************************
function get32bitSynchsafe(&$fp)
/* Synchsafe integers are
integers that keep its highest bit (bit 7) zeroed,
making seven bits
out of eight available. Thus a 32 bit synchsafe
integer can store 28
bits of information.
$tmp = ord(fread($fp, 1)) & 127;
$tmp2 = ord(fread($fp, 1)) & 127;
$tmp3 = ord(fread($fp, 1)) & 127;
$tmp4 = ord(fread($fp, 1)) & 127;
$converted = ($tmp * 2097152) + ($tmp2 * 16384) +
($tmp3 * 128) + $tmp4;
return $converted;
// *********************************************
// ogginfo gets format, duration, and metadata from
// Ogg Vorbis files
// - metadata (comment header) information is saved in
// $this->vorbis_comment-><fieldname>
// - for instance, the song title will be in
// - WARNING: values may be arrays because the
//Vorbis spec allows multiple fields
// with the same name (eg, $this->vorbis_comment->artist[0] and
// $this->vorbis_comment->artist[1] for a duet)
// For more info on Ogg bitstream containers,
//see http://www.xiph.org/ogg/vorbis/doc/framing.html
// For more info on Vorbis, see
// *****************************************************
function ogginfo ()
$fp = fopen($this->wave_filename,"r");
// Ogg stream?
$capture_pattern= fread($fp, 4);
if ($capture_pattern!="OggS")
// not an Ogg stream
return 0;
// find the next page, then
$packet_type= ord(fread($fp, 1));
$preamble= fread($fp, 6);
if ($packet_type==1)
1) [vorbis_version] = read 32 bits as unsigned integer
2) [audio_channels] = read 8 bit integer as unsigned
3) [audio_sample_rate] = read 32 bits as unsigned integer
4) [bitrate_maximum] = read 32 bits as signed integer
5) [bitrate_nominal] = read 32 bits as signed integer
6) [bitrate_minimum] = read 32 bits as signed integer
7) [blocksize_0] = 2 exponent (read 4 bits as unsigned
//integer) -- IGNORING
8) [blocksize_1] = 2 exponent (read 4 bits as unsigned
//integer) -- IGNORING
9) [framing_flag] = read one bit -- IGNORING
$identification= unpack('L1vorbis_version/
fread($fp, 21));
//print "<pre>".print_r($identification, 1)."</pre>";
// find the next header, then
$packet_type= ord(fread($fp, 1));
$preamble= fread($fp, 6);
if ($packet_type==3)
1) [vendor_length] = read an unsigned integer of 32 bits
2) [vendor_string] = read a UTF-8 vector as [vendor_length]
3) [user_comment_list_length] = read an unsigned integer of
32 bits
4) iterate [user_comment_list_length] times {
5) [length] = read an unsigned integer of 32 bits
6) this iteration's user comment = read a UTF-8 vector as
[length] octets
7) [framing_bit] = read a single bit as boolean
Note that there may be more than one instance of any field
$vendor= unpack('L1vendor_length', fread($fp, 4));
$vendor['vendor_string']= fread($fp, $vendor['vendor_length']);
$list= unpack('L1user_comment_list_length', fread($fp, 4));
for ($i=0; $i<$list['user_comment_list_length']; $i++)
$length= unpack('L1length', fread($fp, 4));
$temp= fread($fp, $length['length']);
$array= explode("=",$temp, 2);
// field names are case-insensitive
$array[0]= strtoupper( $array[0] );
If there is only one artist field, it will be at
$this->vorbis_comment->ARTIST, handled by the final else below
If a second one is found, $this->vorbis_comment->ARTIST
will be converted to an array with two artist values.
This is done by the if statement.
Any additional artist fields will be pushed onto the
end of the $this->vorbis_comment->ARTIST array by the elseif
if ($this->vorbis_comment->{$array[0]}!="" &&
!is_array( $this->vorbis_comment->{$array[0]}) )
// second instance, convert to array
$temp= $this->vorbis_comment->{$array[0]};
$this->vorbis_comment->{$array[0]}= array( $temp, $array[1] );
elseif ( is_array( $this->vorbis_comment->{$array[0]}) )
// third through nth instances, add to array
array_push( $this->vorbis_comment->{$array[0]}, $array[1] );
// first instance
$this->vorbis_comment->{$array[0]}= $array[1];
//print "<pre>".print_r($this->vorbis_comment, 1)."</pre>";
// find length (number of samples, ay?) -- last page
// will have total samples info, see below
$filesize= filesize($this->wave_filename);
if ($filesize > 12288) $nearend= -12288;
else $nearend= (0 - $filesize);
fseek($fp, $nearend, SEEK_END);
// look for page of type 4 or higher (0x04 == end-of-stream)
while($type < 4 && !feof($fp)) {
$type= $this->findOggPage($fp);
// found the end of stream page...
// the next 8 bytes are the absolute granule position:
"The position specified is the total samples encoded after
including all packets finished on this page (packets begun
on this page but continuing on to the next page do not count).
The rationale here is that the position specified in the frame
header of the last page tells how long the data coded by the
bitstream is. "
$bytes[0]= ord(fread($fp, 1));
$bytes[1]= ord(fread($fp, 1));
$bytes[2]= ord(fread($fp, 1));
$bytes[3]= ord(fread($fp, 1));
$bytes[4]= ord(fread($fp, 1));
$bytes[5]= ord(fread($fp, 1));
$bytes[6]= ord(fread($fp, 1));
$bytes[7]= ord(fread($fp, 1));
foreach ($bytes as $exp=>$value)
$samples+= ($value * pow(256, $exp));
$seconds= round(($samples /
$identification['audio_sample_rate']), 2);
$min= floor($seconds/60);
$sec= $seconds - ($min * 60);
$duration= "$min:$sec";
//print "$samples samples / $seconds seconds ($duration)";
// transfer the extracted data into classAudioFile-structure
$this->wave_id = "OGG";
$this->wave_type = "Ogg Bitstream";
$this->wave_compression = "Vorbis version 1.".
$this->wave_channels =
$this->wave_framerate =
$this->wave_byterate =
" Kbits/sec.";
$this->wave_bits = "n/a";
$this->wave_size = $filesize;
$this->wave_length = $seconds;
return 1;
// ****************************************************
// findVorbis finds the start of the next Vorbis
//header in an Ogg bitstream
// ****************************************************
function findVorbis(&$fp)
// find the next header, then
$capture_pattern= fread($fp, 6);
while ($capture_pattern!="vorbis" && !feof($fp))
// yes, character by character, fun!
$capture_pattern= substr($capture_pattern, 1).
fread($fp, 1);
//print ". ";
//print "Found header ".(ftell($fp)-7)."
// back up the pointer by 7 to start of header
fseek($fp, -7, SEEK_CUR);
// ***********************************************
// findOggPage finds the next logical page in an
//Ogg bitstream,
// and returns the page type flag
// ***********************************************
function findOggPage(&$fp)
// find the next header, then
$capture_pattern= fread($fp, 4);
while ($capture_pattern!="OggS" && !feof($fp))
// yes, character by character, fun!
$capture_pattern= substr($capture_pattern, 1).fread($fp, 1);
//print ". ";
$version= fread($fp, 1);
$type= ord(fread($fp, 1));
//print "Found page ".sprintf('%08b',$type)." ".
return $type;